More specifically, the draft law includes the possibility of conducting online the trial of contravention claims, both on the merits and in appeals, if this is requested by the plaintiff or by the defendant in its counterclaim. Once the request for online court hearings has been lodged, it may not be withdrawn, and the court hearings will take place exclusively by electronic means.
Once the online trial of a case has been established, all procedural documents will be served exclusively through e-mail. Also, the hearing of witnesses or experts will take place online, in these cases.
According to the initiators of the draft law, the online conduct of court hearings in case of contravention claims will have several advantages, and those who were subject to a minor offence penalty in a town or county other than that of their domicile could contest the penalty much easier, without being required to go to the court.
The draft bill was initiated at the end of June by the Senate, aiming at completing Government Ordinance no. 2/2001 regarding the legal regime of minor offences. If the draft law is adopted, the changes will take effect on 1 January 2021.