Romania has completed its first shipment of fuel and food to Ukraine, the Romanian government’s spokesman Dan Carbunaru said on Monday.
“According to the report presented by the National Administration of State Reserves and Special Issues, based on a decision by the prime minister, a shipment of fuel and food to Ukraine has already been completed. It is dozens of rail cars having been loaded and put into motion. Things are coordinated with the Ukrainian government. In addition to fuel, large quantities of food and water are being stockpiled, all of which will reach Siret,” Carbunaru said at the Government House after a meeting of a task force in charge with managing the situation generated by the military aggression in Ukraine.
According to him, adding to the shipment are three lorries loaded with beds, mattresses, linens, sleeping bags, which have already arrived in the refugee camp organized by the Emergency Management Inspectorate (ISU) in Suceava. Four more lorries are bound for Botosani in another refugee camp.
Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca requested the Ministers on Sunday to take solid and quick measures for managing the situation generated by the Russian military invasion in Ukraine.
“Seeing how activities have carried out throughout these four days, I am requesting all Cabinet members to continue taking solid measures, quickly, in order to manage this situation, starting from the border crossing points to the smallest details within the country,” Ciuca said, at the beginning of the Government session.
He also requested all Cabinet members and involved institutions to ensure round-the-clock continuity. “At the Government level there is a platform where these donors have subscribed, these thoughtful people and at the moment, we succeeded in managing and coordinating all these materials and equipment and starting tonight, we will have a main transport that will leave towards Ukraine. I am continuing to ask those that want to make this gesture of solidarity of accessing this platform and thus we could direct all this aid where it is needed and in a well managed and coordinated way,”, the PM also said at the start of the Government session.
He added that the situation in Ukraine is deteriorating because of an increase of aggression from the Russian military, and based on this the Government decided for a new package of measures regarding managing the refugee situation from the border with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova and supporting the Kiev cabinet and the Ukrainian people.
“This morning, within the task-force that is handling the situation created by the Russian military invasion in Ukraine, we decided for a series of materials and equipment to be sent to Ukraine. These goods are protective helmets, bulletproof vests, ammunition, food, water and medicine with a total value of over 3 million Euro. Today we decided that along with members of Government to go and donate blood so that we could launch a campaign through which we can come and help the wounded in the war in Ukraine,” Ciuca also stated on Sunday.
Source: Nine o’clock